Mary Jane is a young Nigerian Dwarf doeling born on July 7, 2023. She has been bottle fed and is emotionally connected to people so will thrive in an environment with human companions.
Dam is ADGA Nigerian Dwarf.
Mary Jane is current on all shots.
Consideration given to a therapeutic practice or a family with a special needs member.
Mary Jane is a young Nigerian Dwarf doeling born on July 7, 2023. She has been bottle fed and is emotionally connected to people so will thrive in an environment with human companions.
Dam is ADGA Nigerian Dwarf.
Mary Jane is current on all shots.
ADGA registered
Animal-Assisted Therapy Goats
Nigerian Dwarf
Animal-Assisted Therapy Goats
Animal-Assisted Therapy Goats
Telephone Consultation (30 minutes) Goats as Emotional Support Companions
Bottle Babies
Nigerian Dwarf
Animal-Assisted Therapy Goats
Bottle Babies
Family Pet Goats
Animal-Assisted Therapy Goats